初中 英译汉 一段话


The occupation of coastal areas by tourist infrastructures,including associated urbanisation,roads,marinas,golf courses,secondary homes,etc.,leads to destruction of vulnerable terrestrial ecosystems and wetlands.Tourists demand water supply per capita at a higher rate than local inhabitants and at a time of water scarcity,in summer,thus leading to oversized facilities for both supply and treatment.Marine ecosystems suffer from water sports,anchoring, and waste disposal.Forest fires are multiplied by negligence and sometimes by criminal acts.

沿岸地区被旅游设施侵占,包括与之相关的城市化活动,道路,码头,高尔夫球场,非常住居所等等,这些设施的建设导致脆弱的陆地生态系统和湿地遭到破坏。在夏季缺水的季节,游客的人均需水量要高于当地居民,因而会导致供水和水处理设施超过所需要的规模。 水上运动,船只抛锚和废物处理活动也损坏海洋生态系统。由于疏忽,有时由于犯罪活动,森林火灾发生的次数也频繁了。

My name is Tina,today the clothes at Beauty Clothes Store are on sale.So I want to buy some clothes for my grandparents,my parent ang myself.Let me have a look.This yellow sweater is at a very good price-only 15 dollars.And it is OK for my grandfather.For my grangmother,I want to buy these black shoes.They are very comfortable.How about this white T-shirt?Oh,my father can wear it for playing basketball.

第1个回答  2009-08-28
第2个回答  2009-08-28