
1 湖乡锤黄鳝
2 浓汤炖水鱼、
3 剁椒炒藕尖、
4 洞庭鱼籽片、
5 清炒鲜篱蒿、
6 清水煮鲩鱼、
7 南洞庭鲜银鱼、
8 洞庭腊鳊鱼、
9 绝味洞庭龟、
10 剁椒鱼头、
11 家乡红烧肉、
12 麻辣仔鸡、
13 大碗焖猪杂、
14 水鱼焖蛇、
15 大碗烧湖藕、
16 孜燃寸骨、
17 辣子串烧虾、
18 汤泡肚尖、
19 干锅茶树菌、
20 干锅肥肠、
21 干锅腊牛肉、
22 干锅田鸡、
23 干锅回锅肉、
24 干锅爽汁豆皮、
25 干锅萝卜皮、
26 砂锅野兔、
27 砂锅牛四宝、
28 砂锅腊独脚、
29 砂锅鱼翅、
30 铁板鱿鱼须、
31 铁板香干、
32 铁板水晶粉丝、
33 铁板杏鲍菇、
34 至尊南非八头干鲍、
35 至尊南非十头干鲍、
36 鲍汁扣辽参王、
37 吉祥鲍鱼仔捞饭、
38 鲍汁扣白灵菇、
39 鲍汁扣花菇皇、
40 鲍参翅肚羹、
41 酸辣招牌翅、
42 金牌燕麦翅、
43 浓汤大鲍翅、
44 皇室鱼翅捞饭、
45 木瓜炖燕窝、
46 花旗参炖燕窝、
47 雪蛤炖燕窝、
48 翅汤一品菌、
49 翅汤辽参王、
50 迷你佛跳墙、
51 碳烧肉、
52 复合八爪鱼、
53 鲜虾粉丝沙拉、
54 白斩兔、
55 开心如意卷、
56 红袍鳝丝、
57 水晶三色蹄冻、
58 手撕鸡、
59 香水牛肉、
60 五香鱼条、
61 樟茶鸭脯、
62 糖醋排骨、
63 蒜泥白肉卷、
64 夫妻肺片、
65 泡椒凤爪、
66 酸菜蚕豆、
67 麻酱油麦菜、
68 生拌花生、
69 偶(藕)然巧合、
70 关东木耳、
71 蜜桂山药、
72 红酒雪梨、
73 什锦泡菜、
74 老醋蜇花、
75 酸菜芥面、
76 素春卷、
77 白椒回锅肉、
78 干豆角回锅肉、
79 小炒黄牛肉、
80 酸萝卜皮炒月亮骨、
81 晶莹牛筋、
82 土匪猪肝、
83 萝卜干炒腊肉、
84 酸辣鸡杂、
85 土鸡烧芋仔、
86 小炒仔鸭、
87 浸水河虾、
88 油淋辣椒炒荷包蛋、
89 湘西外婆菜、
90 菜心煮蚕豆、
91 韭菜炒蚕豆、
92 鸡汤萝卜丝、
93 “湘州源”一品汤、
94 “湘州源”至尊三宝、

1 Huxiang hammer rice field eel
2 soup stewing Shuiyu,
3 Duojiao fried lotus root tip,
4 Dongting Yuzi films,
5 Qingchao fresh Lei Artemisia,
6 Huan-boiled fish,
7 South Dongting fresh icefish,
8 Dongting La Bian fish,
9 must taste Dongting turtles,
10 Duojiaoyutou,
11 Hong Shaorou home,
12 Malaziji,
Hybrid rice bowl 13 pigs,
14 Shuiyu rapid snakes,
15 bowl burning Lake lotus,
Zi burning 16-inch bone,
17 Lazi Yakitori shrimp,
18-foam belly sharp,
19 Ganguo of tea tree,
20 Ganguofeichang,
21 Ganguo La beef,
22 Ganguotianji,
23 Gan Guo Hui Guorou,
24 Gan Guo Shuang juice Doupi,
25 Ganguo Luobo Pi,
26 casseroles hare,
27 casseroles cattle Sibao,
Dujiao casseroles December 28,
29 casseroles shark's fin,
30 squid to be monolithic,
31 Xianggan monolithic,
32 monolithic crystal fans,
33 Pleurotus eryngii monolithic,
South Africa 8 34 Extreme dry abalone,
South Africa 10 35 Extreme dry abalone,
36 Baozhi deduction Senate Liao Wang,
37 Aberdeen Laofan auspicious abalone,
38 Baozhi deduction Bailing Mushroom,
39 Baozhi deduction Huagu Wong,
40 abalone Senate belly fin soup,
41 Suanla signs fin,
42 gold medals oat fin,
43 soup big Bao Chi,
44 Royal Lao Fan shark fin,
45 papaya stew bird's nest,
46 American Ginseng stewing bird's nest,
47 Xueha stewing bird's nest,
48 fin soup for a bacteria,
49 fin soup Senate Liao Wang,
50 mini-Fotiao Qiang,
51 carbon roasted meat,
52 composite Ba Zhaoyu,
53 Xianxia powder Si Shala,
54 chopped white rabbit,
55 happy wishful vol.
56 Dahongpao Shansi,
57 three-foot Crystal freeze,
58 Shousi chicken,
59 perfume beef,
60 Spiced fish,
61-Zhang tea duck preserve,
62 sweet and sour ribs,
63 Suannibairou vol.
64 Fuqifeipian,
65 Paojiao chicken's feet,
66 pickled cabbage beans,
You Maicai 67 Majiang,
68 raw peanuts,
Dual 69 (lotus) ran a coincidence,
70 Kanto fungus,
71 Honey Guishan drugs,
Sydney 72 red wine,
73 types of kimchi,
74 Laocu sting flowers,
75 pickled cabbage mustard face,
76-spring rolls,
77-Hui Guorou Law,
78 Hui Guorou dry beans,
79 Xiaochao Huang beef,
80 acid Luobu Pi speculation of the moon,
81 crystal Eleusine indica,
82 bandits liver,
83 radishes Ganchao Chinese bacon,
84 Suanlajiza,
85 native chickens burned taro,
86 Xiaochao Aberdeen ducks,
87 immersion He Xia,
He Baodan 88 Youlin pepper speculation,
89 Xiangxi grandmother vegetables,
Cook 90 dishes heart beans,
91 leek fried beans,
92 chicken soup Luo Busi,
93 "Xiangzhou source" for a soup,
94 "Xiangzhou source" Extreme Sambo,
第1个回答  2008-08-18
1 Huxiang hammer rice field eel
2 soup stewing Shuiyu,
3 Duojiao fried lotus root tip,
4 Dongting Yuzi films,
5 Qingchao fresh Lei Artemisia,
6 Huan-boiled fish,
7 South Dongting fresh icefish,
8 Dongting La Bian fish,
9 must taste Dongting turtles,
10 Duojiaoyutou,
11 Hong Shaorou home,
12 Malaziji,
Hybrid rice bowl 13 pigs,
14 Shuiyu rapid snakes,
15 bowl burning Lake lotus,
Zi burning 16-inch bone,
17 Lazi Yakitori shrimp,
18-foam belly sharp,
19 Ganguo of tea tree,
20 Ganguofeichang,
21 Ganguo La beef,
22 Ganguotianji,
23 Gan Guo Hui Guorou,
24 Gan Guo Shuang juice Doupi,
25 Ganguo Luobo Pi,
26 casseroles hare,
27 casseroles cattle Sibao,
Dujiao casseroles December 28,
29 casseroles shark's fin,
30 squid to be monolithic,
31 Xianggan monolithic,
32 monolithic crystal fans,
33 Pleurotus eryngii monolithic,
South Africa 8 34 Extreme dry abalone,
South Africa 10 35 Extreme dry abalone,
36 Baozhi deduction Senate Liao Wang,
37 Aberdeen Laofan auspicious abalone,
38 Baozhi deduction Bailing Mushroom,
39 Baozhi deduction Huagu Wong,
40 abalone Senate belly fin soup,
41 Suanla signs fin,
42 gold medals oat fin,
43 soup big Bao Chi,
44 Royal Lao Fan shark fin,
45 papaya stew bird's nest,
46 American Ginseng stewing bird's nest,
47 Xueha stewing bird's nest,
48 fin soup for a bacteria,
49 fin soup Senate Liao Wang,
50 mini-Fotiao Qiang,
51 carbon roasted meat,
52 composite Ba Zhaoyu,
53 Xianxia powder Si Shala,
54 chopped white rabbit,
55 happy wishful vol.
56 Dahongpao Shansi,
57 three-foot Crystal freeze,
58 Shousi chicken,
59 perfume beef,
60 Spiced fish,
61-Zhang tea duck preserve,
62 sweet and sour ribs,
63 Suannibairou vol.
64 Fuqifeipian,
65 Paojiao chicken's feet,
66 pickled cabbage beans,
You Maicai 67 Majiang,
68 raw peanuts,
Dual 69 (lotus) ran a coincidence,
70 Kanto fungus,
71 Honey Guishan drugs,
Sydney 72 red wine,
73 types of kimchi,
74 Laocu sting flowers,
75 pickled cabbage mustard face,
76-spring rolls,
77-Hui Guorou Law,
78 Hui Guorou dry beans,
79 Xiaochao Huang beef,
80 acid Luobu Pi speculation of the moon,
81 crystal Eleusine indica,
82 bandits liver,
83 radishes Ganchao Chinese bacon,
84 Suanlajiza,
85 native chickens burned taro,
86 Xiaochao Aberdeen ducks,
87 immersion He Xia,
He Baodan 88 Youlin pepper speculation,
89 Xiangxi grandmother vegetables,
Cook 90 dishes heart beans,
91 leek fried beans,
92 chicken soup Luo Busi,
93 "Xiangzhou source" for a soup,
94 "Xiangzhou source" Extreme Sambo,
第2个回答  2008-08-18
第3个回答  2008-08-18