



My daily routine includes: check reimbursements of biz-trips, fill out the accounting voucher related bank transactions, make and print VAT invoices, online certify the VAT invoices, fill out application form of purchasing material, handle the invoice affair with Tax Bureau and so on.

1. 填写材料采购出库单:这个有些奇怪,要么就是材料采购单(用于申请购买),要么就材料出库单(于用领用),这个是什么意思?
2. 除去税务局验票应该还会有买开票,开红字的吧,所以我用了handle追问


第1个回答  2013-12-06

My routine job includes: verify reimbursement invoices of biz-trips, fill out the accountant voucher concerning banks, make and print dedicated invoice of value-added tax, online verify the dedicated invoice of VA(value-added) tax, fill out purchased material outgoing sheet, confirm vouchers at Revenue Bureau, etc.
第2个回答  2013-12-04
My daily work: responsible for auditing the travel reimbursement documents, fill in accounting vouchers onthe banks; fill in and print VAT invoices, online authentication of exclusive value-added tax invoices, fill in material purchasing requisition, go to tax bureau ticketetc..
第3个回答  2013-12-06
My routine work includes: auditing documents for travel reimbursement, filling in accounting vouchers related with banks; filling in and printing the special VAT invoices, online authentication of VAT invoices, filling in outstorage vouchers for material purchasing, going to tax bureau for invoice-verification etc..