

第1个回答  2022-10-14


hang on坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放
hang out挂出;闲逛
hang up挂断电话;搁置,拖延
get the hang of得知……的窍门;熟悉某物的用法;理解某事,摸清概况;鉴赏
hang seng香港恒生股票指数;香港恒生银行
hang out with与…出去玩;与…闲逛
hang around闲荡;徘徊
go hang不再关心;被忘却
hang in there[口]坚持下去
hang seng index恒生指数
hang together符合,一致;同心协力;结合在一起
hang loose◎悬空,摇晃◎[美国、加拿大俚语]放松,不急不躁[美国俚语]保持平静(或镇静),不慌;放宽心,放松:◎宽松的垂下;(头发)披散◎保持镇静;松弛;不紧张
hang over笼罩;威胁;被遗留下
hang seng bank恒生银行
hang down[美俚] ***
hang from从…悬挂
hang in the balance安危未定
hang onto依附;继续保留;紧紧抓住
hang around with(和某人)厮混;(在某处)闲荡
hang fire发射不出;迟疑不决

动词+副词 构成的动词短语

动词+副词(Verb + adverb)
这类短语动词,有的相当于一个及物动词。例如: --to turn up the radio (把收音机开大);
--to turn up the soil (把地翻起);
--to take up water (吸水);
--to take up a new tool (拿起新工具);
--to take up this question (谈到这个问题);
--to take up space (占据空间)。 --She was extremely lucky: when her great-uncle died, she came into[继承(遗产)] a fortune. --I hope I shall be able to clean off(把…清除掉) these black marks. --They were so far away that I couldn't make out their faces clearly.
(他们离得那么远,我没法把他们的脸辨认清楚。) --Trains s here in order to pick up passengers only. 必须注意,本组短语动词一般都可以构成被动语态。例如: --Trains s here in order that passengers are picked up only.
另外,这类短语动词相当于及物动词时,若宾语为名词,一般既可放在短语动词之后,也可放在动词和副词之间。若短语动词的直接宾语为代词,则位于动词与副词之间。例如:--to give it (指 heat) out 放出它(热量);to keep them (指 the molecules) apart 使它们(分子)保持分离但是某些表示及物的短语动词却具有自己的固定模式:不允许随便将副词放在宾语之后(除非是宾语为代词);有时有的不容许随便将副词放在宾语之前。例如:
--They had given up hope. 此句不能变为: --They had given hope up. --Get that parcel off right away! (寄出) 此句因为歧义的缘故不能把副词off放在宾语之前。及物短语动词get…off与动词get后面跟介词off意思不同。例如:--Get off that stool -it's just been painted! --Get off that parcel right away! --I switched the light on and off.--I switched on and off the light.
--Crying my eyes out. --I was laughing my head off. --Sobbing my head out. 这个句子不能变为: --crying out my eyes. --I was laughing off my head. --sobbing out my heart.
这种短语动词的固定现象往往出现在短语动词与宾语之间, 具有牢固的习语关系,此时意思同时从字面意义转向比喻意义。短语动词在这些夸张语中成了固定的习惯用法。此上这几种情况必须要加以注意。从例句可以看出短语动词与动词和副词结构具有不同的意义,因此我们必须加以区分。一般可用以下的
三个标准。 1)短语动词无法孤立地根据动词和副词的意义预测结合后的意义。例如: --catch on (理解),give in (投降),blow up (爆炸)
但在动词和副词的自由组合中,动词作正常的不及物动词,而副词则有自己的意义。例如: --He walked past. (= past the object/place) --I waded across. (= across the river/water/etc.)
past, across 是副词,它们的作用等于一个方向介词短语。动词和副词在意义上可以分开,因为可以换词:例句中的waded across 中的wade,我们可以用walk,run,swim,jump,fly等来替换;而across,我们则可用in,through,over,up,down等来替换。
straight,例如: --Go right / straight on. --Walk straight in. --Drink right in. 而插入语在不同程度上,对短语动词来说,却是不可接受的。例如不能说: --The prisoner broke right down. --She turned right up at last. 3)可以将副词放在动词的前面,同时将主语-动词倒装(主语为代词则不能倒装): --Out came the sun. --Up you e. --On we drove into the night. 但短语动词却不能这样,不能说: --Up blew the sun. --Up it blew. 这类动词有的相当于一个不及物动词。例如: --to flow off 流走;流下;
--to e round 苏醒;
--to look up 抬头看;兴旺;
--to ring off 挂断电话 --The piic came off (举行) at last after being ice postponed. --Do you know the reason why the automobile breaks down (出故障)? --It was no surprise when we were told that our grandfather had passed away. (去世). --Their plans for a big party fell through (完全失败).

be 加介词短语 能构成动词短语吗

不能吧 能构成形容词短语


动词+介词:care about
动词+副词:break off
动词+副词+介词:e up with


A 不及物动词+副词
如:stay up(熬夜), look out(小心), break out(爆发), go up(上升,爆炸), take after(像), die out(灭绝,消亡), set out(出发)
B 不及物动词+介词
break into(闯入), go after(追求), go through(经历), pass on(传递), run into(碰上), sit for(参与), stand for(代表)
C 及物动词+副词
如:give up(放弃), see …off(送行), show… around(带领参观), hand …over(转交,移交), put …off(推迟), pick… up(接人,学会)
D 不及物动词+副词+介词
如:put up with(忍受), stand up to(勇敢面对), do away with(废除), fall back on(求助于), live up to(达到,不辜负)
E 及物动词+名词+介词
如:make fun of(取笑), take care of(照顾), pay attention to(关注,注意), catch sight of(看见), take no notice of(没注意到)
F 动词+动词+介词
如:make do with(将就用), let …go of(置之不理)


Look 的常用短语:
look up … in查找
look back to/ upon回顾
look upon…as把… 看作
look forward to期待
look through浏览; 看穿
take on a new look呈现新面貌
Concentrate 的常用短语:
concentrate on 专心…
concentrate one’s mind on 专心于…
fix one’s mind upon
focus on
put one’s heart into
focus one’s mind on
in surprise惊讶地
to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是
be surprise at/to do/that
care for
be keen on
be fond of
take delight in…
have much trouble / no trouble (in) doing 在…有/没有困难
take great trouble to do不辞辛劳做某事
put *** to the trouble of doing …为难某人做某事
make trouble捣乱
be in (great) trouble惹麻烦;处在困境中
help *** . out of trouble帮某人摆脱困境
e to an end……结束
put an end to 结束……
in the end终于; 最后
end up (by) doing…以……结束
make both ends meet收支相抵
1. 导致
result in
lead to
2. 由……引起
be caused by
result from
grow out of
lie in
do / try one’s best
spare no efforts to do
take great pains to do
go all out to do
do what somebody can (do) to do
do all somebody can (do) to do
far from (being)离……要求相差很远
far from +(a place)距离某地很远
far away遥远
so far 到目前为止; 那么远
as far as *** . knows/sees据某人所知
by far
in the distance在远处
from/ at a distance从远处
keep *** . at a distance
used to do过去曾经、常做
be used to doing …习惯于……
be used to do被用来做……
make good/ full use of充分利用……
e into use开始使用……
it is no use doing …干……没有用
be made up of =consist of 由……组成
make up for弥补
be made from/ of由……造成
make up编造;组成;化妆
be made into制成……
make fun of取笑; 嘲弄
make a living 谋生


不定式的词性等同于动词,所以构成短语时与动词的用法相同,主要与副词、介词、名词短语构成。如,to go home, to turn off/on, to take care of,to make use of, to get better/worse, to do one's duty, to set up, to look up/in/down, to see through, to get off/on, to take off, to take part in……

动词短语与短语动词区别 比如说work at 它既可以说成动词短语也可以说成短语动词 这是为什么?



1.consider it + no good +doing something
no use
2.口诀:决心学会想希望,(decide determine learn want hope wish expect)
拒绝设法愿假设,(refuse manage pretend)
主动答应选计划,(offer promise choose plan )
同意请求帮一帮。(agree ask beg help)
补充:afford hesitate fail swear strive(to) happen (to)
