
班杰明·芬克尔(Benjamin Finkel,1865年-1947年)是美国数学家和教育家,创办了《美国数学月刊》。在北俄亥俄州大学取得理学士(1888年)和文学硕士学位(1891年)。1865年成为德鲁瑞学院的数学和物理教授。 著名教育家班杰明·D曾经接到一个青年的求教电话,之后他与那个向往成功、渴望指点的青年约好了见面的时间和地点。 待那个青年如约而至时,班杰明的房门大敞着,眼前的景象却令青年颇感意外——班杰明的房间里乱七八糟、狼藉一片。 没等青年开口,班杰明就招呼道:“你看我这房间,太不整洁了,请你在门外等候一分钟,我收拾一下,你再进来吧。”一边说着班杰明就轻轻地关上了房门。 不到一分钟的时间,班杰明又打开了房门,并热情地把青年让进客厅。这时,青年的眼前展现出另一番景象——房间内的一切已变得井然有序,而且有两杯刚刚倒好的红酒,在淡淡的香气里还漾着微波。 可是,没等青年把满腹的有关人生和事业的疑难问题向班杰明讲出来,班杰明就非常客气地说道:“干杯。你可以走了。” 青年手持酒杯一下子愣住了,既尴尬又非常遗憾地说:“可是,我……我还没向您请教呢……” “这些……难道还不够吗?”班杰明一边微笑一边扫视着自己的房间,轻言细语地说,“你进来又有一分钟了。” “一分钟……一分钟……”青年若有所思地说,“我懂了,您让我明白了一分钟的时间可以做许多事情,可以改变许多事情的深刻道理。” 班杰明会心地笑了。青年把杯里的红酒一饮而尽,向班杰明连连道谢后,开心地走了。 其实,只要把握好生命的每一分钟,也就把握了理想的人生。

Benjamin Finkel,which is a educationist and mathematician,was born in 1865 in the USA,and passed away in 1947.He became the professor of Maths and Physics in 1865.One day,he received a call from a young man,asking for advice on how to be successful.Then,he appointed to meet the young man .On the man's arrival,he was suiprised to see that Benjamin's door was open and his room was in a mess.Benjamin told him :This room is too untidy.Please wait for a minute and come in later.He opened the door again within one minute and welcomed the young man warmly.At this time,the young man was surprised again for in front of him was a totally different scene.Everything was in its own place and there are two glasses of alcohol,giving out good smells.However,Benjamin said politely without waiting for the young man telling him all the problems about his life and work."Cheers,and you can go back.'The young man was frozen,embarrassed and regretful.He said'but..I haven't asked you for advice''Isn't it enough?'Benjamin smiled and glanced at his room,'You have been in this room for 1 minute.' "One minute..One minute..."The young man said in consideratio 'I know,you have made me understnd that we can do a lot of things in 1minute.Also,one minute can change a lot.'Benjamin smiled.The young man drinked all the alcohol in the glass,thanked Benjamin and went happily.
In a word,once you make the best of every minute in your life,you will have a perfect life..好了、这是我自己翻译的,应该没有什么语法错误吧、