看到fb上有两个人吵架.. 请翻译成中文..

A: It could be fake
B: Its real, U ass... U can see if for urself}
A: ASS??????
A: wtf is that suppose to meang?
B: Wth U swear all the time and u dont even noe a simple word?
A: Damn you all
B: Damn urself
A: How do I damn myself??
A: Damming people isnt a action
B: If you cant then y do u say it to us u fuckin smartass?! Think before us say these non sense! U have some mental problems
A: Yeah. I cant doesnt mean u cant you dumbass
A: And Thank you I do haav mental problems
B: yeah I cant either cuz u said ppl and ppl is everyone. And ur welcome u can just go to a hospital n live with your ppl
A: youve got your difinition of ppl, i've got mine
B: So what "definition" do you have hun? A population of retards?
A: damn you got it all wrong.
A: like I said, ive got mine def. dont need to define.
B: Ok u got a definition, put it in a dictionary, then you'll be the king of nerds. U Dick
A: why do I have to? I do have a dick
B:Ok dude, what ever ur sayin does not make sense, what on earth are you thinking about.... Think before u type because you are only making a fool of your self... N yes u dick every guy does... Unless u dont which I dont want to noe...
A: Maybe it doesnt make sense because you dont know english or you just have problems reading. I dont find that im making a fool of myself and i do think before i type.
B: If i dont know english, then how would i be typing to u? Just shut up. Pay u 5 buck to do so
A: srry, dont take charity from retards..

是真的, 你个ASS(笨蛋) 不信自己去看看..
靠.... ASS? 你什么意思?
你天天都骂人, 然后一个简单的词都不知道
怎么"去"? 那不是个动作, 我怎么做?
如果你不能, 那你还说? 自作聪明...想想你要说什么在写, 你有神经问题..
我不能不等于你不能.笨 然后谢谢, 我的确有神经问题...
呵, 可是我也不能, 你说的ppl是指大家, 不用谢, 你就去个医院和你的神经病一起住吧
你有你ppl的意思, 我也有我自己的.
那你ppl的意思是什么? 一群神经病?
该死, 你弄错了, 像我说的, 我有我自己的意思.
好呀, 你有你自己的意思, 那放到字典里呀, 然后你就是书呆子的国王了, 你混蛋.(dick两种意思)
为什么我要那么做? 我的确有个..
好吧, 小子, 不管你在说什么, 根本看不懂.先想想要说什么在写 你在让自己难看而已 而且对.. 每个男的都有个.. 除非你没有, 我也不想知道
你看不懂 可能是应为你不会英文吧, 或者你就是有阅读问题...我不觉得我在让自己难看
如果我不懂英文, 怎么会在和你说话?给你5块钱让你闭嘴啦
抱歉, 才不收神经病给来的捐款.