

Dear XXX, Thanks for the support from you in past year. for better cooperation between us, we hope all the payment would be completed at the end of 2010.

For your information, Payment List and Details had been enclosed.please arrange the balance in time. thanks for the help and we need your understanding.

Happy new years and best wishes to you.


第1个回答  2010-12-28
Due to the end of this month for 2010, hope the expensive department can within this month will all this year's payment paid. The following is the payment details, please prompt arrange payment, thank your understanding with support, and wish you a happy New Year.。希望能给您解决催款问题!也预祝LZ元旦快乐!
第2个回答  2010-12-28
Due to the end of this month for 2010, hope the expensive department can within this month will all this year's payment paid. The following is the payment details, please prompt arrange payment, thank your understanding with support, and wish you a happy New Year.
第3个回答  2010-12-28
We hope you can pay off the payment before end of this month due to it's year-end of 2010. Please see below payment details and arrange it to us timely, thank you very much for your understanding and great supporting, wish you a Happy New Year in advance!
第4个回答  2010-12-28
Due to the end of this month for 2010, hope the expensive department can within this month will all this year's payment paid. The following is the payment details, please prompt arrange payment, thank your understanding with support, and wish you a happy New Year.