
strolling around the villages on a road that has been asphalted past balconied mansions where doughy cottages used to be,she is slow;she who strode laughing and skipped over its ruts and heaps of dung.she is almost deaf.
passing a garden,she begs a bunch of marigolds from a young householder whose moustache just covers a tolerant smile,she grabs at running children to ask each one;whose little boy,whose little girl?
in barn after barn left open to air,garlands of tobacco are hanging like fur coats.she and the old man no longer grow any.their barn still has sacks of grain,bales of hay and lucerne;he keeps the old horse in there,and the cow with her calf,Kyria Sophia has her vegetable garden,fenced with beans and morning glories.her tomatoes hang in skeins among yellewing leaves.she has round peppers and long ones,deep red,and black eggplants curved like horns.hens scratch and flounce,and two scraggy turkey cockerels.the flowers on her basil are like lilac,white and mauve.
the trees are the same,in the same warm mist as when Bell first saw them,their leaves yellowed,even the cobwebs afloat among them yellowed.

1. 漫步在脚下的乡间小路已被铺上了柏油,一幢幢白色的村舍也变成了带阳台的公寓,她走的慢。她踏着大步大声笑着,越过路上的坑坑洼洼和牛粪堆。她已经差不多全聋了。(不好意思,看的我有点混乱...)
2. 穿过了花园,她请求一个年轻的住户给她一束金盏花,年轻人的胡子刚好遮住了宽容的笑脸。她抓住奔跑的孩子们,挨个问他们是谁家的儿子,谁家的女儿。
3. 一个接一个的谷仓打开了大门,烟草做成的花环悬挂着像是一件件皮草大衣。她和那个老人不会再种更多的了。他们的谷仓仍堆满了谷粒、成捆的干草,老人把年迈的马匹、奶牛和小牛犊养在里面。凯莉·索菲亚有她自己的菜园,用豆荚和牵牛花做成的围栏围着。她种的西红柿挂在发黄的叶子中间,一串一串的。她种的辣椒有圆的有长的。深红色和黑色的茄子弯弯地像个号角。母鸡和两只瘦弱的小火鸡鸡仔挠着地,跳来跳去。丁香开的花像是紫丁香一样,有白色有淡紫色。树都一个样子,和比尔第一次看见它们时一样笼罩在温暖的薄雾里,叶子黄黄的,就连上面挂着的蜘蛛网都是黄黄的。

第1个回答  2015-05-13
在谷仓谷仓开空气后,花环烟草挂像毛皮coats.she和老人不再增长any.their谷仓还有袋粮食,干草和苜蓿草捆;他在那里不断的老马,和她的小牛的母牛,凯瑞娅索菲亚她的菜园,用豆早上glories.her西红柿挂在一间yellewing leaves.she有圆辣椒和长的,深红色,黑色的茄子弯弯的像horns.hens划痕和荷叶边,和两个瘦弱的土耳其cockerels.the她像丁香罗勒花,白色和淡紫色。


第2个回答  2017-07-12
yes, I can
第3个回答  2017-06-24